April 10, 2003- Wow, its been a very long time. This clan pretty much died, but I plan on reviving it. Anyone who still reads this, please contact me on aim, or Runescape, or email me. You can find the link on this site. Anyways, Please look here for updates.
November 23, 2002- Ive added 2 new clan members. Very soon, allemere will once again be full leader of this clan. I have been too busy to manage it, and i feel he will be much more a great leader than I am. Thank you
November 19, 2002- Added the new messageboards (just for the time being). Please sign up for them, and post on them for now.
November 17, 2002- Well, its been a while since the last update. this is mainly because i couldnt get onto the site to update it, due to computer problems. New things to look at:
New clan members: Silvereye007, elite bodygaurd, and Muzicmainia, Fisherman and Bodygaurd
Also, look under clan meetings for info about drop party
October 24, 2002- The tournaments are over, and victors have been chosen. I was going to make this a very large update, but I have about 30 pictures i want to put up, and you'll have to settle for 4 or 5. Im sry about the quality of them, but something must have happened when i saved some of them. I will try to schedule another clan meeting by request, so look forward to that. Plz, contact me if there is anything that u would like to comment on, because i need ideas people. Thanks
Jwhizz -Leader- "Nothing ever changes here in my bizaar"
October 19, 2002- My tornament will be held on monday at 11.00am - 12.00pm. If you wish to compete come along, also i will be using my pure, Idura, alot more than i have in the coming weeks. Make sure you come along to the torny.
- Allemere, Co-Leader -
October 4, 2002- Ive talked with a few other members of the clan, and we have decided to expand our gameplay over to Habbo Hotel. It is not manditory, and members of the habbo hotel cannot come into the clan unless they also play runescape. It is a place to go if u just want to hang out. If u are interested, search my name, Jwhizz, and go to the room called Ironthrone Hangeout.
September 26, 2002 - My biggest update so far. I have changed the pictures area, you should check it out. Also, a few new members. I have taked out the Mage/Priest division, but be sure to see a few more within the next week. I also put a pic up in the leaders section of myself, and Nickwillnot. Well, come back here soon, cause i have 2 new member classes planned to go up in the next week. Thats all for now
-Jwhizz, Leader-
September 24, 2002 - Qwerty66 has been promoted to Warrior Squad Co - Commander, we have a new member, xx rage xx and I have added a new Leaders section where if you are good enough will be put in, you will have a cartoonish picture of your choice and some details about yourself there. Thats all from me for now.
- Allemere, Co - Leader-
September 17, 2002- Allemere here, my original account, Allemere, is the account i am focusing and playing in at this moment in time.
- Allemere, Co-Leader-
September 3, 2002- I added a few more pics to the Pics section. They are a little sloppy now, but i am eventually gonna seperate them into categories. Thats it for now, just a small update
September 1, 2002- Well, Ive added a couple of new members, and now i have a cape color requirement for certain classes. Check the bottom of each class under the member lists. Thats about it for now. If u have any new class suggestions, talk to me, cause i wanna get our clan into a class system.
August 27, 2002- Ive added 2 new sqaudrons, the MageKnight, and the Paladin. More will come later.. Check the requirements to see if u qualify for these positions. The requirements may change if too many people want these positions. In other news, Lythes has changed his character to Sir Prayer. That is the character you will see him using. That is all for now.
August 25, 2002-I've been very busy lately, and haven't had a lot of time to update. Well, we have a new ally, Silverdragons, lead by
John Smith11, and we have a few new members, Joshwillnot, Nickwillnot, Maximo69, and Kyle Favre. Also, everyone check the message board to see what is going on in the clan.
August 21, 2002-More Updates. Golden Dirt has been made the High Priest of the clan. Also, I have updated the treasury page, and made the rules of it. We have another archer, dragonsythe, who was created by sexyme696969 for just that purpose, and then qwerty66 has a character devoted to mining, smithing, and crafting. Thats all for now
August 17, 2002-I have made a major update on the site. We now have the treasury page up. Also, I have added A Mage/Priest division, so if anyone wants in that division, talk to me. Also, we have a new member, Struggle8. He has been appointed master smither and master miner, along with Mouse12345. That is all for now
August 15, 2002-We have yet another new member, Mouse12345. We have 2 new allies listed, these being Digital Corruption, lead by Mcbethdc, and The Dark Monks, lead by Nillyx Also, all royal ranks are permitted to recruit, as long as they follow the specifications listed, on the requirements page. I am also sad to say that Dew 22, or current smither, has resigned from the clan. Mouse12345 will be taking his place as master smither. That is all the news for now
August 10, 2002- We have a new member, Zach123 and both sexyme696969 and saravok4 have promotions. I am yet to organize with Jwhizz another clan meeting, in which all clan members are urged to come along, there will be more deatails on that later. Also i am looking for allied clans, if you know i high ranked person in a clan who could sign a peace treaty with us, please message either me or Jwhizz.